Programme de formation en leadership statistique en ligne pour le système statistique africain
Date: 18 January 2021
The programme aims to equip leaders of African National Statistical Offices with the skills required to lead their organisations on a programme of statistical modernisation.
It focuses on upskilling statistical leaders to deal effectively with the range of challenges faced by statistics organisations in Africa. It is designed to inspire positive change at the senior and middle management level. The programme uses self-paced e-learning and facilitated online group discussions.
The estimated total time commitment for the program is approximately 15 to 20 hours, over a period of five weeks. Each module can take between two to four hours to complete. Seminars last around one hour. Attendance at all sessions at designated times is expected and, just as in a classroom, participants will be expected to engage through lively discussion and debates.
For more information, please download the brochure.