An Africa of Good Governance, Democracy, Respect for Human Rights, Justice and the Rule of Law

We aspire that by 2063, Africa shall: • Be a United Africa; • Have world class, integrative infrastructure that criss-crosses the continent; • Have dynamic and mutually beneficial links with her Diaspora; and • Be a continent of seamless borders, and management of cross-border resources through dialogue.

Priority area 1: Democratic Values and Practices are the Norm

Target 1: At least 70% of the people believe that they are empowered and are holding their leaders accountable

% of people who believe that they are empowered to hold their leaders accountable.
Countries (52), Periods (2001 - 2023), Data points (2794)

Target 2: At least 70% of the people perceive that the press / information is free and freedom of expression pertains

% of people who perceive that there is freedom of the press.
Countries (26), Periods (2020 - 2022), Data points (50)
% of people who believe that there is free access to information.
Countries (26), Periods (2020 - 2022), Data points (50)

Target 3: At least 70% of the public perceive elections are free, fair and transparent

Target 4: Accredited Electoral Observers certifies elections to be free and fair

% of the accredited electoral observers who certifies elections to be free and fair
Countries (51), Periods (2004 - 2022), Data points (629)

Target 5: A functional national focal point responsible for implementation of AU shared values is in place by 2017

Target 6: All reporting obligations with respect to compliance of AU Shared instruments are met by 2017

% of reporting obligations with respect to compliance to AU shared instruments met.
Countries (52), Periods (2009 - 2023), Data points (2355)

Target 7: Zero tolerance for unconstitutional changes in government is the norm

Number of unconstitutional or undemocratic changes done on the continent.
Countries (44), Periods (2001 - 2021), Data points (524)
Number of protests against unconstitutional change in government.
Countries (44), Periods (2001 - 2021), Data points (524)

Target 8: African Charter on Democracy is signed, ratified and domesticated by 2020

Percentage of countries: - Signed - Ratified - Integrated
Countries (52), Periods (2020 - 2023), Data points (2270)

Priority area 2: Human Rights, Justice and The Rule of Law

Target 1: At least 70% of the people perceive the judiciary to be independent and deliver justice on fair and timely basis.

Percentage of citizens who believe that the judiciary is independent
Countries (44), Periods (2001 - 2021), Data points (524)
Percentage of citizens who believe that the judicial system renders righteous judgments
Countries (44), Periods (2001 - 2021), Data points (524)
Percentage of citizens who believe that the judiciary makes judgments in a timely manner.
Countries (44), Periods (2001 - 2021), Data points (524)

Target 2: At least 70% of the people perceive they have free access to justice

% of people who perceive they have free access to justice.
Countries (44), Periods (2001 - 2021), Data points (524)

Target 3: At least 70% of the people perceive the entrenchment of the culture of respect for human rights, the rule of law and due process.

Percentage of citizens who believe that the culture of respect for human rights is rooted
Countries (44), Periods (2001 - 2021), Data points (524)
Percentage of citizens who believe that the rule of law is established
Countries (44), Periods (2001 - 2021), Data points (524)
Percentage of citizens who believe that procedures are followed.
Countries (44), Periods (2001 - 2021), Data points (524)

Priority area 1: Institutions and Leadership

Target 1: At least 70% of the public acknowledge the public service to be professional, efficient, responsive, accountable, impartial and corruption free

Target 2: At least 70% of the public acknowledge the relevance and good functioning of the legislature as a key component of democracy

Priority area 2: Participatory Development and Local Governance

Target 1: All local governments have full administrative and institutional capacities and appropriate fiscal powers

The level at which local government are empowered to raise funds for their activities.
Countries (51), Periods (2000 - 2022), Data points (1171)
The number of local government to develop and execute their development plans.
Countries (51), Periods (2004 - 2022), Data points (629)

Target 2: Local communities have a fair share of the exploitation of natural resources and are using them for the benefit of all.

Target 3: Reduce local conflicts to zero by 2020

The number of local conflicts that occurred in a year.
Countries (36), Periods (1990 - 2021), Data points (3201)

Target 4: Culture, values and norms of local communities are respected and protected