A Peaceful and Secure Africa

Priority area 1: Maintenance and Restoration of Peace and Security

Target 1: Level of conflict emanating from ethnicity, all forms of exclusion , religious and political differences is at most 50% of 2013 levels.

Target 2: Entrenched culture of peace

Priority area 1: Institutional Structure for AU Instruments on Peace and Security

Target 1: Silence All Guns by 2020

Number of armed conflicts
No data available

Target 2: Complete civilian control of security services within democratic practices, rule of law and due processes by 2025

Priority area 2: Defense, Security and Peace

Target 1: Sufficiently capable security services by 2020

Target 2: Respect to rules of engagement and human rights in conflict situations is entrenched in the security forces

Priority area 1: Operationalization of APSA Pillars

Target 1: National standby contingent of the ASF ready in all operational aspects

Target 2: National Peace Council is established by 2016

Target 3: Full compliance to funding Africa’s peace and security institutions obligations