An Africa Whose Development is people driven, relying on the potential of the African People, particularly its Women and Youth and well cared for children

Priority area 1: Women Empowerment

Target 1: Equal economic rights for women, including the rights to own and inherit property, sign a contract, save, register and manage a business and own and operate a bank account by 2026

Proportion of women with a savings account
Countries (52), Periods (2004 - 2021), Data points (7957)
Proportion of women enterpreneurs and CEOs
Countries (54), Periods (2000 - 2023), Data points (4068)
Proportion of population with an account at a formal financial institution by sex and age
Countries (52), Periods (2004 - 2021), Data points (7957)
Proportion of women in managerial positions by sector"
Countries (54), Periods (2000 - 2023), Data points (4068)

Target 2: At least 20% of women in rural areas have access to and control productive assets, including land and grants, credit, inputs, financial service and information

% of loan portfolios disbursed to women by size of portfolio (R/U)
Countries (23), Periods (2000 - 2022), Data points (548)
Share of women among agricultural land owners by age and location (U/R)
Countries (54), Periods (2000 - 2023), Data points (11556)

Target 3: At least 30% of all elected officials at local, regional and national levels are Women as well as in judicial institutions

Proportion of women judges, prosecutors, etc
Countries (54), Periods (2000 - 2023), Data points (4117)
Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments, regional and local
Countries (54), Periods (2000 - 2023), Data points (4068)

Target 4: At least 25% of annual public procurement at national and sub-national levels are awarded to Women

Share of public procurement budget awarded to women owned businesses
Countries (33), Periods (2009 - 2022), Data points (304)

Target 5: Increase gender parity in decision making positions at all levels to at least 50-50 between Women and Men

Gender parity index in political and managerial
Countries (54), Periods (2000 - 2023), Data points (6338)

Target 6: Solemn Declaration Index (SDI) developed by GIMAG and ECA on Gender is computed bi-annually and used in making policy / resource allocation decisions.

Continental indicator
Countries (32), Periods (2018 - 2021), Data points (42)

Priority area 2: Violence & Discrimination against Women and Girls

Target 1: Reduce 2013 levels of violence against women and Girls by at least 20%

Number of children who are victims of human trafficking per 100 000 people
Countries (40), Periods (2003 - 2021), Data points (777)
Number of reported cases of violence by intimate or non intimate partner
Countries (43), Periods (2005 - 2018), Data points (326)

Target 2: Reduce by 50% all harmful social norms and customary practices against women and girls and those that promote violence and discrimination against women and girls

Percentage of girls and women who have gone undergone FGM/C, by age group
Countries (50), Periods (2004 - 2021), Data points (182)
Percentage of women aged 18-24 who were married or in a union before age 18
Countries (50), Periods (2004 - 2021), Data points (182)
Existence of legislation that prohibits FGM
Countries (27), Periods (2004 - 2022), Data points (236)
Percentage of reported cases for FGM
Countries (23), Periods (2018 - 2022), Data points (196)

Target 3: Eliminate all barriers to quality education, health and social services for Women and Girls by 2020

Completion rate
Countries (35), Periods (2001 - 2023), Data points (1452)
Maternal mortality ratio
Countries (54), Periods (2000 - 2022), Data points (1447)

Target 4: End all forms of political, legal or administrative discrimination against Women and Girls by 2023

Number of reported cases, amendment of laws
Countries (11), Periods (2014 - 2021), Data points (1635)

Target 5: Reduce by 50% all harmful social norms and customary practices against Women and Girls and those that promote violence and discrimination

No indicator
No data available

Priority area 1: Youth Empowerment and Children’s Rights

Target 1: Reduce 2013 rate of youth unemployment by at least 25%; in particular female youth

Youth unemployment rate by sex
Countries (51), Periods (2000 - 2021), Data points (6966)

Target 2: Youth business startups including female youth in all business startups is at least 15%

Proportion of business startups by youth by sex and by formal/informal and by industry
Countries (43), Periods (2000 - 2021), Data points (1764)

Target 3: At least 50% of youth who cannot go on to have tertiary education are provided with TVET

Proportion of youth who have not been to university and are provided with TVET
Countries (23), Periods (2000 - 2020), Data points (778)

Target 4: At least 50% of Youth and Children are engaged in talent based development programmes, leisure and recreation

Target 5: End all forms of violence, child labor exploitation, child marriage and human trafficking

Number of children who are victims of human trafficking per 100 000 people
Countries (40), Periods (2003 - 2021), Data points (777)
The proportion of children whose births are registered within the first year
Countries (49), Periods (2006 - 2021), Data points (332)
Proportion of children engaged in child labor
Countries (31), Periods (2010 - 2021), Data points (360)

Target 6: Recruitment of Child soldiers is ended

Continental indicator
Countries (31), Periods (2010 - 2021), Data points (360)

Target 7: At least 20% of Youth and Children are engaged in sports activities

Target 8: Full implementation of the provision of African Charter on the Rights of the Youth is attained

Target 9: End all forms of child marriages

No data available

Target 10: Full implementation of the provision of African Charter on the Rights and welfare of the Child is attained

No indicator
No data available