Africa as a strong and influential global partner

Priority area 1: Africa’s place in global affairs

Target 1: National infrastructure for African networked space research and exploration in place

Proportion of expenditure on network space research to national budget
Countries (54), Periods (1991 - 2022), Data points (6377)

Target 2: National systems / infrastructure for research and development t is fully functional

R&D spending as a % of GDP
Countries (36), Periods (2000 - 2021), Data points (1680)
Number of patents registered per year at national level
Countries (54), Periods (2000 - 2021), Data points (3038)
% of population with access to Internet
Countries (54), Periods (1991 - 2022), Data points (8107)

Target 3: Increase 2013 level of exports by 20% in real terms

Target 4: National statistical system fully functional

Proportion of funding allocated for the implementation of functional statistical system
Countries (54), Periods (2010 - 2022), Data points (1551)
Proportion of funding allocated to impelentation for a functional civil registration system
Countries (54), Periods (2010 - 2022), Data points (895)

Priority area 1: Capital Markets

Target 1: National capital market finances at least 10% of development expenditure

Proportion of development expenditure contributed by national capital markets
Countries (54), Periods (1970 - 2022), Data points (13637)

Priority area 2: Fiscal system and Public Sector Revenues

Target 1: Tax and non-tax revenue of all levels of government should cover at least 75% of current and development expenditure

Total tax revenue/GDP
Countries (47), Periods (2000 - 2021), Data points (2086)
% of firms paying tax
Countries (47), Periods (2000 - 2021), Data points (2086)
Percentage of population paying direct tax
Countries (47), Periods (2000 - 2021), Data points (2086)
Share of the recurrent and development expenditure funded by tax and non tax revenue
Countries (47), Periods (2000 - 2021), Data points (2086)

Priority area 3: Development Assistance

Target 1: Proportion of aid in the national budget is at most 25% of 2013 level

% decrease of total ODA as a percentage of the national budget
Countries (54), Periods (1970 - 2022), Data points (5680)
Resources raised through innovative financing mechanisms as a % of national budget
Countries (54), Periods (1970 - 2022), Data points (7997)

Target 2: Additional financial resources mobilised from multiple sources

% Volume of remmittances (USD/GDP)
Countries (54), Periods (1970 - 2022), Data points (5680)
Amount of philanthropic funds mobilised
Countries (54), Periods (1970 - 2022), Data points (3594)

Target 3: Effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships encouraged and promoted

Number of PPP and civil society partnership projects
Countries (50), Periods (2000 - 2020), Data points (2111)