Indicator name andcode Gross National Income (ECO.NAC.GNI.TOT.001)
Definition Gross national income (GNI) is defined as gross domestic product plus net receipts from abroad of wages and salaries and of property income plus net taxes and subsidies receivable from abroad. NNI is equal to GNI net of depreciation. Wages and salaries from abroad are those that are earned by residents who essentially live and consume inside the economic territory but work abroad (this happens in border areas on a regular basis) or for persons that live and work abroad for only short periods (seasonal workers) and whose centre of economic interest remains in their home country. Guest-workers and other migrant workers who live abroad for twelve months or more are considered to be resident in the country where they are working. Such persons may send part of their earnings to relatives at home, but these remittances are treated as transfers between resident and non-resident households and are recorded in national disposable income but not national income. Property income from/to abroad includes interest, dividends and all or part of the retained earnings of foreign enterprises owned fully or in part by residents (and vice versa). Source: OECD  
Keywords N/A
Sub classifications
  1. current USD
Data availability and process of obtaining data
Comments and limitations
Possible sources
Aggregation method
Coverage  data points,   countries
Used data source(s)  
Core indicator?

N/A - Information not available

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