ACS celebration of the International Women's Day
8 March 2023, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The African Center for Statistics (ACS) celebrated the International Women's Day. Women in leadership shared their experiences with ACS female colleagues. The discussion was lively in terms of their experience and highlighting the importance of achieving gender equality in all aspects of life. There was a key discussion how women can and should support the other women colleagues to come up and deliver better professionally. This was followed with informal session of bonding and team spirit over tea/snacks get together.
It worth mentioning that the United Nations celebrated IWD, under the theme “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”. UN recognized and celebrated the women and girls who are championing the advancement of transformative technology and digital education.
UN Secretary-General António Guterres issued a call to close the gender digital divide in his message on the IWD. He also emphasized that “women today make up under a third of the workforce in science, technology, engineering, and maths. And when women are under-represented in developing new technologies, discrimination may be baked in from the start”.
Despite the remarkable achievement made by governments over the past few years to increase the use of information and communications technology by African women/girls, Africa still faces disparities between countries. For instance, while number of African countries have large percentage of females own mobile telephone, others have less than 50 percent. This calls for actions to accelerate the progress for achieving this sustainable development target.