Data to Unlock the Relevance and Accuracy of Voluntary National Reviews ARFSD10

Date: 22 April 2024

Venue: UNECA, Addis Ababa – Ethiopia

The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in collaboration with partners and data stakeholders organized a hybrid session at the 10th Africa Regional Forum for Sustainable Development ARFSD10 on “Data to unlock relevance and accuracy of Voluntary National Reviews” at aims to highlight the compelling reasons for countries to include data at the national and sub-national levels in their VNR Reports. It will emphasize the importance of data-driven decision-making and showcase the benefits that VNRs bring to sustainable development efforts. The session aimed to:

  • emphasize the significance of data in enhancing the quality and relevance of VNR Reports by showcasing the benefits of data-driven decision-making for sustainable development.
  • share best practices and innovative approaches for data collection, analysis, and utilization in VNR Reports.
  • identify challenges in and opportunities for incorporating data in VNR Reports and discuss strategies to overcome them.
  • foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among countries and session participants in utilizing data effectively for VNR Reports.

Voluntary National Reviews (VNR) serve as part of regular comprehensive follow-up and review mechanism for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the high-level political forum (HLPF) meeting under the auspices of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) every year in July. In preparing the VNRs, member States are encouraged to conduct regular and inclusive reviews of their progress towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the national and sub-national levels, which are country-led and country-driven. The VNRs facilitate the sharing of experiences, including successes, challenges and lessons learned, with a view to accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The VNRs also seek to strengthen policies and institutions of governments and to mobilize multi-stakeholder support and partnerships for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

In pursuit of sustainable development, there is no better way to high success stories and challenges except with accurate and relevant data. Data is key to unlocking the envisaged progress and revolutionized decision-making. Considering that data underpins many of the vital transitions and means of implementation instrumental in achieving the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063; it is paramount that countries preparing their VNR Reports, recognize the transformative power of data in shaping these reports.

The session concluded that robust high-quality data in VNR Reports provides a solid foundation for evidence-based decision-making as it enables policymakers gain insights into the progress, challenges, and gaps in sustainable development efforts. Identification of priority areas, tracking progress, design of effective policies and interventions that address country-specific needs can only be enabled by reliable and credible data incorporated and highlighted in these reports. In addition, the use of high-quality data facilitates the demonstration of transparency allowing for a comprehensive reflection of countries’ development journeys over time; fosters accountability and encourages countries to stay committed to their sustainable development goals.

The unprecedented increase of the demand for granular, disaggregated, and inclusive data in various dimensions (including gender, age, location, and socio-economic status among others) has led to the raise of Voluntary Local Reviews in some countries. Disaggregated data is critical as it empowers and guides targeted interventions as vulnerable groups, disparities, and inequalities are brought to the fore. To achieve the promise of leaving no one and no place behind, policies and investments should be tailored to address the specific needs of marginalized communities. Furthermore, deeper analysis of country data decomposed by several subpopulations allows for assessment of the effectiveness of existing policies, identification of gaps, and realignment of country priorities, policies, and strategies with the SDGs and the Agenda 2063 – the Africa we want: ultimately facilitating policy coherence towards optimum resource utilization and maximization of the impact of interventions.